Volume 5 (2024)
Volume 4 (2023)
Volume 3 (2023)
Volume 2 (2022)
Volume 1 (2022)
Number of Articles: 12
Original Article
The Role of Anxiety in Executive Functions of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Mathematical Learning Disability Comorbidity
Pages 1-11
How Strength-based Counseling effects on Self-Compassion and Future Time Perspective in Adolescents?
Pages 12-21
A Model for the Use of Facilities for the Treatment of Addiction
Pages 22-26
Do gender stereotypes give rise to false memories?
Pages 27-38
Does evolution really like Interface species against veridical ones?
Pages 39-41
An Exploratory Model for Face Recognition Problem in Autism: An Artificial Neural Network Approach
Pages 42-56
A New Bio-Inspired Majority Device MAJ (A, B, C)
Pages 57-70
Screening of autism spectrum disorder based on task-free fMRI using tensor decomposition approach
Pages 71-78
Mind-Brain-Behavior (MBB), in Economic Inflation
Pages 79-87
Risk-Based Portfolio Modeling: Kahneman-Tversky Approach
Pages 88-97
Arbitrary Eye Movement Strategies in Global-Local Processing Experiments
Pages 98-109
Animal models of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Pages 110-116